This text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Bostik MS 27501-K - Adhésif et scellant hybride pour cartouches 430 g de BostikThis text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Spray bouchon liège en sachet, 500 ml Isolant (chaleur et bruit) Traitement facile pour des résultats exceptionnelsThis text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Bostik Ardal Tiles Fugenmötel Meuble de joint flexible résistance mécanique et thermique élevée pour l'intérieur, l'extérieur et sous l'eau.This text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Blu-Tack Bostik 45g
Dauerplastische wiederverwendbare Klebemasse auf Basis von synthetischem Kautschuk.
Zur Verwendung überall dort, wo eine einfache, aber dennoch zuverlässige und auch wiederlösbare Fixierung gefordert ist.