This text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Colle PVC Wakol D3307, récipient de 3 kgCette colle en dispersion universelle convient au collage d'une large gamme de revêtements élastiquesThis text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Adhésif pour parquet massif élastique Parquet mosaïque Parquet lamellaire droit Parquet à lamelles Parquet stratifié Planchers de bois massif CODE UEMI : EC1 PLUS RThis text has been translated automatically and may contain errors. It does not constitute a legally binding offer. Only the German texts apply.
Wakol D3360 Versatack, conteneur de 6kgCet adhésif en dispersion universel convient au collage d'une large gamme de revêtements élastiques